Spatialer: Redefine Your Space with Interactive Triggers
Spatialer is the spatial equivalent of a timer. Just as a timer allows you to set alarms for specific times, Spatialer enables you to place triggers in specific spatial areas that activate when your head or wrist enters them.
Key Features
Interactive Triggers:
• Place up to 300 spherical or box-shaped triggers in space
• Triggers activate when your head or wrist enters them, playing a sound and incrementing a counter
Intuitive Creation:
• Create sphere triggers by bringing your thumbs and index fingers together
• Generate box triggers by pinching with one hand's middle finger and pinch-dragging with the other
Easy Customization:
• Resize triggers by gaze-selecting and pinch-dragging green spherical handles
• Move triggers by gaze-selecting and pinch-dragging the main body
Convenient Controls:
• Access a menu of settings by tapping the config button on your left wrist
Menu Options:
• Delete all triggers
• Reset all counters
• Toggle handle visibility
• Toggle counter visibility
• Return to home screen
• View usage instructions and explanatory animations
• Toggle eraser mode (delete triggers by touching them with a red square on your right hand)
• Toggle wrist detection
Experience a new dimension of spatial interaction with Spatialer. Whether you're tracking movement, creating interactive zones, or exploring new ways to engage with your environment, Spatialer offers intuitive tools to transform your space into a responsive, dynamic playground.
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