
The Meshes of ModularAnimalRobotBiped



Power parts







Animation patterns of ModularAnimalRobotBiped


How To Use ModularAnimalRobotBiped.


Modular Animal Robot Biped is an asset that allows you to create characters with various patterns by combining parts consisting of legs, pelvis, torso, neck, head, tail, and arms.

You can change the mesh, material, and size of each part by opening BP_AnimalRobotBipedAnimatedCharacter and changing the variable AnimalRobotBipedPattern.

- Three patterns of materials are available for each part.

Materials can also be changed randomly in bulk.
If you turn on IsChangeMaterialPattern, it will be set randomly, and if you turn on IsFixMaterialPattern, it will be unified to the material specified in FixedMaterialPattern.

When RandomColor is turned on, a random parameter with a spread of ColorRandomnessIntensity centered on CenterColor will be set to the material.

Turning on IsRandomMesh sets the mesh in a random pattern.
When IsRandomSize is turned on, the size of each part will be set randomly within the range of 0.8-1.2.

When randomness is on, the variables change randomly each time you change the variable.
These randomnesses are applied when you spawn into the scene, so they won't look the same in the viewport.
If you have a pattern you want to use, use the variable values as follows.
1. Copy the AnimalRobotBipedPattern of the character in the scene
2.Open BP_AnimalRobotBipedAnimatedCharacter and turn off randomness.
3. Paste the AnimalRobotBipedPattern.

By using EUW_BipedCharacterAnimatedSpawn, you can place Xnumber x Ynumber BP_AnimalRobotBipedAnimatedCharacters in a random pattern in the scene.

Control rigs are set on the legs and arms.
The pelvic suspension has a spring that expands and contracts according to your movements.

In the demo scene, you can check the behavior of the third-person character.

BP_AnimalRobotBipedProceduralCharacter is similar to BP_AnimalRobotBipedAnimatedCharacter, but the walking animation is procedural. 



 forfiles /S /M *.png /C "cmd /c magick mogrify -resize 1024x1024 @path
