
Pteranodon, Brachiosaurus



Spatial Mini Games Privacy Policy

 Our app does not collect, store, or share any personal information from users.

Data Not Collected

  • Contact Information (name, email address, etc.)
  • Health/Fitness Information
  • Financial Information
  • Location Data
  • Sensitive Information
  • User Content (photos, videos, audio data, etc.)
  • Browsing/Search History
  • Identifiers (user ID, device ID)
  • Usage Data
  • Diagnostic Data
  • Environmental Scanning Data
  • Physical Data

Our app does not collect data on hand movements, gaze positions, or any other gameplay-related data.

Spatial Mini Games


Support mail:junichistamesi@gmail.com

Privacy Policy


 Spatial Mini Games is a collection of engaging and interactive spatial experiences designed for Apple Vision Pro. Utilize the power of visionOS to immerse yourself in various fun and challenging mini-games that will test your reflexes and spatial awareness. Perfect for casual play, each game is quick and accessible, ideal for solo play or friendly fun at home gatherings.

Game Rules:

Eye Laser Blast: Look at glass bottles on walls and ceilings, then pinch your fingers to shoot lasers from your eyes and break them. Score points by breaking bottles within 1 minute. Pinch while looking to the right side of your field of vision to shoot a red laser, and pinch while looking to the left side of your field of vision to shoot a blue laser. Red bottles break with red lasers, blue bottles break with blue lasers, and green bottles break with either. Lasers reflect off real-world surfaces.

Finger Shooter: Move your thumb near your middle finger's second joint to shoot a ball from your index finger. Hit pumpkins to score points within 1 minute. Red balls come from the right hand, blue balls from the left. Red pumpkins need red balls, blue pumpkins need blue balls, and green pumpkins can be hit with either. Balls reflect off real-world surfaces.

Gaze Walker: Control a stick figure character with your gaze to collect coins while avoiding enemy robots. Utilize real-world objects for cover and hide behind them to evade enemies. Collect as many coins as possible within 1 minute.

Overall Features:

Interactive Environments: Balls and lasers interact with real-world surfaces, enhancing the immersive experience.
Use real-world objects strategically in Gaze Walker, hiding behind them to evade enemy robots.

Quick and Casual Play: Enjoy games that last just 1 minute, perfect for short play sessions.

Convenient Controls: Access menus anytime using the left-hand menu in each mini game to toggle music or return to the game selection screen.

Future Updates: New games and features will be added to keep the experience fresh and engaging.

Feature Details and Instructions
  • Safety Notice Confirmation: The initial safety notice is confirmed by gazing at and tapping three checkboxes.
  • Game Selection Screen:
    • Tap on a bubble to display the game start button, game description, and up to the top 10 previous scores.
    • Tap the config button to access the music toggle button and the reset game data button.
  • Game Start Transition:
    • After selecting a game, a "Mini Games" panel is displayed, which changes to the Game Start button after 3 seconds.
  • Wall Scanning:
    • The selected game begins with a scanned representation of the actual wall.
    • It is recommended to look around and ensure the wall is correctly scanned.
  • Permission Request:
    • Upon first use, the app will ask for permission to access hand movement and environmental data. You must select "Yes" to proceed with the game.
    • If you accidentally select "No," go to settings, select the app, and allow access to "Hand Pose and Motion" and "Surroundings" for Spatial Mini Games.
  • In-Game Configuration:
    • During any mini-game, tap the config button on your left wrist to display the music toggle button, home button, and remaining time.

  • 2024年5月28日火曜日

    How to transfer root bone pose animation to the animation of the entire armature


    import bpy

    from mathutils import Matrix, Vector

    # Note: This script will automatically set the armature's rotation mode to QUATERNION.

    # The root bone will be deleted after the script runs.

    # Make sure to back up your project before running this script.

    # Set the name of the root bone

    root_bone_name = "Root"  # Set the name of the root bone

    # Get the currently selected object

    armature = bpy.context.active_object

    if not armature or armature.type != 'ARMATURE':

        raise ValueError("Please select an armature object.")

    bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = armature

    # Switch to Object Mode to get the default pose


    # Get the default global location and rotation of the root bone

    root_bone = armature.pose.bones.get(root_bone_name)

    if not root_bone:

        raise ValueError(f"Root bone '{root_bone_name}' not found.")

    # Get the armature's rest pose

    armature_matrix_world = armature.matrix_world.copy()

    root_bone_matrix_rest = armature.data.bones[root_bone_name].matrix_local.copy()

    root_bone_matrix_world_rest = armature_matrix_world @ root_bone_matrix_rest

    root_bone_default_loc, root_bone_default_rot, _ = root_bone_matrix_world_rest.decompose()

    inverse_root_bone_default_rot = root_bone_default_rot.inverted()

    # Get the IK targets

    ik_targets = []

    for bone in armature.pose.bones:

        for constraint in bone.constraints:

            if constraint.type == 'IK' and constraint.target:

                target = constraint.target

                if target.parent == armature:


    # Record the global positions of the IK targets for each keyframe

    ik_target_keyframes = {}

    for target in ik_targets:

        ik_target_keyframes[target.name] = {}

        if target.animation_data and target.animation_data.action:

            for fcurve in target.animation_data.action.fcurves:

                for keyframe in fcurve.keyframe_points:

                    frame = int(keyframe.co.x)


                    ik_target_keyframes[target.name][frame] = target.matrix_world.translation.copy()

    # Get the animation data

    animation_data = armature.animation_data

    if not animation_data:

        raise ValueError("Animation data not found.")

    action = animation_data.action

    if not action:

        raise ValueError("Action not found in animation data.")

    # Process the animation data and apply the root bone transform to the armature

    transform_data = {'location': [], 'rotation_quaternion': [], 'scale': []}

    for fcurve in action.fcurves:

        if fcurve.data_path.startswith(f"pose.bones[\"{root_bone_name}\"]"):

            for keyframe in fcurve.keyframe_points:

                frame = int(keyframe.co.x)

                # Move to the frame to set the keyframe


                # Get the pose position of the root bone

                root_bone_matrix = root_bone.matrix

                # Calculate the global transform of the root bone

                global_matrix = armature.matrix_world @ root_bone_matrix

                # Decompose the matrix into location, rotation, and scale

                global_loc, global_rot, global_scale = global_matrix.decompose()

                # Save the transform data in the dictionary

                transform_data['location'].append((frame, global_loc))

                transform_data['rotation_quaternion'].append((frame, global_rot))

                transform_data['scale'].append((frame, global_scale))

    # Switch to Object Mode to apply transformations


    # Automatically set the armature's rotation mode to QUATERNION

    armature.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'

    # Apply the transforms to the armature object and insert keyframes

    for (frame, loc), (_, rot) in zip(transform_data['location'], transform_data['rotation_quaternion']):

        # Correct the rotation for the root bone's default rotation

        corrected_rot = (rot @ inverse_root_bone_default_rot)


        # Create the translation matrices for the default and current locations

        translation_matrix_to_default = Matrix.Translation(-root_bone_default_loc)

        translation_matrix_back = Matrix.Translation(root_bone_default_loc)

        translation_matrix_current = Matrix.Translation(loc)


        # Create the rotation matrix for the corrected rotation

        rotation_matrix = corrected_rot.to_matrix().to_4x4()


        # Combine the matrices: 

        # 1. Translate to default position

        # 2. Apply rotation

        # 3. Translate to the current location

        final_matrix = translation_matrix_current @ rotation_matrix @ translation_matrix_to_default


        # Decompose the final matrix into location and rotation

        final_loc, final_rot, _ = final_matrix.decompose()


        # Apply the final location and rotation to the armature

        armature.location = final_loc

        armature.rotation_quaternion = final_rot

        armature.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=frame)

        armature.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_quaternion", frame=frame)

    for frame, scale in transform_data['scale']:

        armature.scale = scale

        armature.keyframe_insert(data_path="scale", frame=frame)

    # Update the IK target positions for each frame

    for target in ik_targets:

        for frame, initial_position in ik_target_keyframes[target.name].items():


            # Convert the initial position to the armature's local space at the current frame

            local_pos = armature.matrix_world.inverted() @ initial_position

            target.location = local_pos

            target.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=frame)

    # Delete the root bone


    bones = armature.data.edit_bones

    root_bone = bones.get(root_bone_name)

    if root_bone:


    # Restore the current frame




    1. Unity側のスクリプトをポーズを付けたFBXにアタッチしてレストポーズにしたFBXを
    2. インスペクター上で右クリックでExportBoneData
    3. Blender側のスクリプトでアーマチュアの名前と読み込むポーズのファイルのパスを設定して RunScript


    using System.Collections.Generic;

    using UnityEngine;

    using System.IO;


    public class BoneData


        public string name;

        public Vector3 position;

        public Vector3 scale;

        public Quaternion rotation; // This will be Q_relative



    public class BoneDataList


        public List<BoneData> bones = new List<BoneData>();


    public class BoneDataExporter : MonoBehaviour


        public Transform rootBone;

        public GameObject referenceModel; // Add a field for the reference model

        public string boneDataPath = "Assets/boneData.json";

        [ContextMenu("Export Bone Data")]

        void ExportBoneData()


            BoneDataList boneDataList = new BoneDataList();

            CollectBoneData(rootBone, boneDataList.bones, referenceModel.transform);

            string json = JsonUtility.ToJson(boneDataList, true);

            File.WriteAllText(boneDataPath, json);

            Debug.Log("Bone data exported!");


        void CollectBoneData(Transform bone, List<BoneData> boneData, Transform reference)


            // Find the same bone in the reference model by name

            Transform referenceBone = reference.FindChildRecursive(bone.name);

            Quaternion Q0 = referenceBone != null ? referenceBone.localRotation : Quaternion.identity;

            Quaternion Q = bone.localRotation;

            Quaternion Q0_inv= Quaternion.Inverse(Q0);

            Quaternion Q_relative =Q0_inv*Q;

            Quaternion Q_final = new Quaternion(Q_relative.x, -Q_relative.y, -Q_relative.z, Q_relative.w);

            boneData.Add(new BoneData


                name = bone.name,

                position = bone.localPosition,

                scale = bone.localScale,

                rotation = Q_final // Store the relative rotation


            foreach (Transform child in bone)


                CollectBoneData(child, boneData, reference);





    import bpy

    import json

    def apply_pose(armature_name, json_path):

        with open(json_path, 'r') as f:

            data = json.load(f)

        armature = bpy.data.objects[armature_name]

        bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = armature


        for bone_data in data['bones']:

            bone = armature.pose.bones.get(bone_data['name'])

            if bone:

                bone.location = (bone_data['position']['x'], bone_data['position']['y'], bone_data['position']['z'])

                bone.scale = (bone_data['scale']['x'], bone_data['scale']['y'], bone_data['scale']['z'])

                # 注意:四元数は (w, x, y, z) の順で設定

                bone.rotation_quaternion = (bone_data['rotation']['w'], bone_data['rotation']['x'], bone_data['rotation']['y'], bone_data['rotation']['z'])

        # Save the pose



    # ファイルパスは適宜設定してください

    apply_pose('RobinArmature', 'C:boneData.json')



    Efficient Use of Blender Assets

    -How to bake actions in Blender


    -How to split actions in Blender


    -How to use in game engine


    Formatting Animation Name Files for Use with ActionMaking.py

    If the animation number files attached to your assets are not in the correct format for use with the ActionMaking.py script, please use the FormatAnimationNamesAnimColonNum.py script to adjust them.

    This script performs the following tasks:

    -Removes empty lines and trailing colons: This step cleans up unnecessary formatting that may interfere with processing.

    -Replaces spaces with colons: This adjustment is made for lines where the frame range and animation name are separated by spaces instead of colons, ensuring consistency in data format.

    -Checks and adjusts the position of name and frame data: This part verifies whether the line format is 'frames:name' or 'name:frames' and adjusts accordingly.

    -Processes frame data: Depending on the number of listed frame ranges, the script selects the appropriate frames (the middle ones if there are four frames, the first two if there are three).

    For example, a file with lines like:



    will be changed to:



    If there are any extraneous comments or notes that cannot be adjusted by this script, please remove them before running the script.


    How to split actions in Blender

    One of the ways to further utilize animation assets in Blender is to split actions. Here is a step-by-step guide on how to split actions.

    Step 1: Baking the Animation

    First, bake the animation in Blender. This involves solidifying the animation data and making any necessary adjustments such as removing root motion. For detailed instructions, please refer to this link.

    Step 2: Preparing a Text File for Action Splitting

    Prepare a text file in the following format to split actions:



    If the format of the animation names in the text file differs (e.g., "10-40 WalkForward"), please adjust the format using the script provided at this link.

    Step 3: Using the ActionMaking.py Script

    Open the ActionMaking.py script from Blender’s text editor. Set the file_path to the path of the text file prepared in Step 2, and set the original_action_name to the name of the action you want to split.

    Step 4: Running the Script

    Select the target armature and run the Run Script. This will appropriately split the specified action based on the text file, making each action available as a separate item.


    import bpy

    # Function to load animation names and frame ranges from a text file

    def load_animation_data(file_path):

        with open(file_path, 'r') as file:

            animation_data = [line.strip().split(':') for line in file if line.strip()]

        return [(data[0], tuple(map(int, data[1].split('-')))) for data in animation_data]

    # Function to duplicate the specified action and set up each copy as an independent animation clip

    def duplicate_and_setup_actions(obj, original_action_name, animation_data):

        original_action = bpy.data.actions.get(original_action_name)

        if not original_action:

            print("Original action not found:", original_action_name)


        for anim_name, (start_frame, end_frame) in animation_data:

            # Duplicate the action and assign a new name

            new_action = original_action.copy()

            new_action.name = anim_name

            # Trim the action's keyframes to the specified frame range

            for fcurve in new_action.fcurves:

                keyframe_points = [kp for kp in fcurve.keyframe_points if start_frame <= kp.co.x <= end_frame]


                for kp in keyframe_points:

                    fcurve.keyframe_points.insert(frame=kp.co.x - start_frame, value=kp.co.y)

            # Optionally set the new action to the object (for demonstration, not always necessary)

            obj.animation_data.action = new_action

    # Main execution block

    if __name__ == "__main__":

        file_path = "C:\BlenderAsset\AnimationNames1.txt"  # Set the file path appropriately

        obj = bpy.context.object  # Get the current object

        original_action_name = "Action"  # Name of the original action to duplicate

        # Load animation data from the file

        animation_data = load_animation_data(file_path)

        # Duplicate and set up actions

        duplicate_and_setup_actions(obj, original_action_name, animation_data)

    How to bake actions in Blender

    1.Select all bones in Pose Mode.

    2.Go to the menu in the 3D Viewport and select Pose -> Animation -> Bake Action.

    3.Ensure these five options are set before clicking OK:

    -Set the Start Frame.

    -Set the End Frame.

    -Check the box for Visual Keying.

    -Check the box for Clear Constraints.

    -For Bake Data, select Pose.

    This should consolidate everything into a single action.


    Avian Adventure MR

    Avian Adventure MR is an MR action game consisting of four stages.  You can control a bird flying around a real room to collect fruits and coins.


     In the entrance scene, you can select a stage and start each stage by clicking the start button. The game begins when you press the grip and trigger buttons at the same time, and a bird comes out of the cage. You can take off with the left controller's Y button and control it with the left and right thumbsticks. Scores are added when you collect lemons growing from the walls of the real room or coins in the air. Touching enemy that appear along the way will cause damage and reduce HP, and the game is over when HP reaches zero. The game clears after one minute, and the score you earned is recorded. The top ten rankings are displayed in the entrance.

    Detailed Instructions and Precautions:

    If the logo matching the shape of the room does not appear in the entrance scene, the room model setup is incomplete. Please close the app and run the room scan in the settings. If you do not know how to set it up, you can also scan the room model by running the Quest 3's First Encounter app.

    -In the entrance, you can reset the position of the menu panel using the start button on the left controller.

    -During the game, pressing the start button on the left controller will switch the display of the hand menu.

    -In the entrance menu and hand menu, you can toggle on and off the music and controller vibration.

    -The content of the cube displayed in the entrance changes with each stage clear. This cube can be moved by gripping the corner with the controller and its size can be changed.

    Avian Adventure MR privacy policy

     1. Data Collection Explanation:

    Our app does not collect any personal data from users. We respect your privacy and ensure that no personal information is gathered.

    2. Data Usage Explanation:

    Since our app does not collect any personal data, we do not use any user data for any purpose.

    3. Data Deletion Policy:

    As no personal data is collected or stored by our app, there is no need for a data deletion request.

    4. Data Protection Compliance:

    Our organization and app comply with data protection regulations. We do not collect or store any user data, thereby eliminating the risk of security vulnerabilities related to data privacy.


    Room Reflect Shooter MR privacy policy

    1. Data Collection Explanation:
    Our app does not collect any personal data from users. We respect your privacy and ensure that no personal information is gathered.

    2. Data Usage Explanation:
    Since our app does not collect any personal data, we do not use any user data for any purpose.

    3. Data Deletion Policy:
    As no personal data is collected or stored by our app, there is no need for a data deletion request.

    4. Data Protection Compliance:
    Our organization and app comply with data protection regulations. We do not collect or store any user data, thereby eliminating the risk of security vulnerabilities related to data privacy.

    Room Reflect Shooter MR


    This is an MR shooting game consisting of three stages. In the entrance scene, you select a stage and click the start button to begin each stage. Enemies appear on the walls of the real room, and you shoot them down with fireballs released by pulling the controller's trigger. The fireballs reflect off the walls of the real room. The game ends after a set time, resulting in either game clearance or the appearance of a boss. Defeating the boss results in game clearance. Upon clearing the game, your score is recorded based on the type of enemies defeated, with rankings up to the top 10.

    Detailed Instructions and Cautions:

    -If the walls matching the room's shape do not appear in the entrance scene, the room model setup is incomplete; close the app and perform a room scan in the settings.

    If you don't know how to set it up, you can also scan the room model by running the First Encounter app for Quest3.

    -In the entrance, you can reset the position of the menu panel using the start button on the left controller.

    -During the game, pressing the start button on the left controller toggles the hand menu display.

    In the entrance or hand menu, you can toggle the music and controller vibration on and off.

    -You can fire up to five fireballs at once.

    -Fireballs disappear after hitting an enemy, yourself, or after five seconds.

    -Fireballs, whether yours or the enemy's, cause damage if they hit your head, and the game ends in game over if you take a certain amount of damage.

    Privacy Policy