import bpy
from mathutils import Matrix, Vector
# Note: This script will automatically set the armature's rotation mode to QUATERNION.
# The root bone will be deleted after the script runs.
# Make sure to back up your project before running this script.
# Set the name of the root bone
root_bone_name = "Root" # Set the name of the root bone
# Get the currently selected object
armature = bpy.context.active_object
if not armature or armature.type != 'ARMATURE':
raise ValueError("Please select an armature object.")
bpy.context.view_layer.objects.active = armature
# Switch to Object Mode to get the default pose
# Get the default global location and rotation of the root bone
root_bone = armature.pose.bones.get(root_bone_name)
if not root_bone:
raise ValueError(f"Root bone '{root_bone_name}' not found.")
# Get the armature's rest pose
armature_matrix_world = armature.matrix_world.copy()
root_bone_matrix_rest = armature.data.bones[root_bone_name].matrix_local.copy()
root_bone_matrix_world_rest = armature_matrix_world @ root_bone_matrix_rest
root_bone_default_loc, root_bone_default_rot, _ = root_bone_matrix_world_rest.decompose()
inverse_root_bone_default_rot = root_bone_default_rot.inverted()
# Get the IK targets
ik_targets = []
for bone in armature.pose.bones:
for constraint in bone.constraints:
if constraint.type == 'IK' and constraint.target:
target = constraint.target
if target.parent == armature:
# Record the global positions of the IK targets for each keyframe
ik_target_keyframes = {}
for target in ik_targets:
ik_target_keyframes[target.name] = {}
if target.animation_data and target.animation_data.action:
for fcurve in target.animation_data.action.fcurves:
for keyframe in fcurve.keyframe_points:
frame = int(keyframe.co.x)
ik_target_keyframes[target.name][frame] = target.matrix_world.translation.copy()
# Get the animation data
animation_data = armature.animation_data
if not animation_data:
raise ValueError("Animation data not found.")
action = animation_data.action
if not action:
raise ValueError("Action not found in animation data.")
# Process the animation data and apply the root bone transform to the armature
transform_data = {'location': [], 'rotation_quaternion': [], 'scale': []}
for fcurve in action.fcurves:
if fcurve.data_path.startswith(f"pose.bones[\"{root_bone_name}\"]"):
for keyframe in fcurve.keyframe_points:
frame = int(keyframe.co.x)
# Move to the frame to set the keyframe
# Get the pose position of the root bone
root_bone_matrix = root_bone.matrix
# Calculate the global transform of the root bone
global_matrix = armature.matrix_world @ root_bone_matrix
# Decompose the matrix into location, rotation, and scale
global_loc, global_rot, global_scale = global_matrix.decompose()
# Save the transform data in the dictionary
transform_data['location'].append((frame, global_loc))
transform_data['rotation_quaternion'].append((frame, global_rot))
transform_data['scale'].append((frame, global_scale))
# Switch to Object Mode to apply transformations
# Automatically set the armature's rotation mode to QUATERNION
armature.rotation_mode = 'QUATERNION'
# Apply the transforms to the armature object and insert keyframes
for (frame, loc), (_, rot) in zip(transform_data['location'], transform_data['rotation_quaternion']):
# Correct the rotation for the root bone's default rotation
corrected_rot = (rot @ inverse_root_bone_default_rot)
# Create the translation matrices for the default and current locations
translation_matrix_to_default = Matrix.Translation(-root_bone_default_loc)
translation_matrix_back = Matrix.Translation(root_bone_default_loc)
translation_matrix_current = Matrix.Translation(loc)
# Create the rotation matrix for the corrected rotation
rotation_matrix = corrected_rot.to_matrix().to_4x4()
# Combine the matrices:
# 1. Translate to default position
# 2. Apply rotation
# 3. Translate to the current location
final_matrix = translation_matrix_current @ rotation_matrix @ translation_matrix_to_default
# Decompose the final matrix into location and rotation
final_loc, final_rot, _ = final_matrix.decompose()
# Apply the final location and rotation to the armature
armature.location = final_loc
armature.rotation_quaternion = final_rot
armature.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=frame)
armature.keyframe_insert(data_path="rotation_quaternion", frame=frame)
for frame, scale in transform_data['scale']:
armature.scale = scale
armature.keyframe_insert(data_path="scale", frame=frame)
# Update the IK target positions for each frame
for target in ik_targets:
for frame, initial_position in ik_target_keyframes[target.name].items():
# Convert the initial position to the armature's local space at the current frame
local_pos = armature.matrix_world.inverted() @ initial_position
target.location = local_pos
target.keyframe_insert(data_path="location", frame=frame)
# Delete the root bone
bones = armature.data.edit_bones
root_bone = bones.get(root_bone_name)
if root_bone:
# Restore the current frame