It is not made easy to add your own model.
However I will try to explain how to add your own model.
All Blueprints named BP_ChasingFishNameNew Inherits BP_ChasingFish.
However, animation blueprints are very different for each type of fish, so you need to re-create it with reference to a fish similar to your model.
For example, if you want to add catfish
Create an animation blueprint
by choosing CatFish's skeletal mesh.
2. Create BP_ChasingCatFishNew by inheriting BP_ChasingFish
Change Mesh to CatFish Skeletal Mesh.
Set Animation Class to AnimBP_CatFish.
There are two main ways to create animation BP.
By using blend space like Ayu.
By using bone rotation like Arowana.
The Ayu method requires animations Eat, Idle, Swim, and set that is compatible with Pitch and Yaw.
The Arowana method requires Eat, Idle and Swim animation.
The following is using Arowana's method:
Add the same variable as AnimBP_Arowana to AnimBP_CatFish.
Next, copy and paste the event graph of AnimBP_Arowana to the event graph of AnimBP_CatFish.
4. Create an anim graph referring to Arowana's anim graph:
Copy and paste the anim graph of AnimBP_Arowana to the anim graph of AnimBP_CatFish, then replace the animation in NewStateMachine.
Change the name of the bone to transform.
However, it is necessary to adjust the angle and orientation of the bone to be transformed here because it depends on the local coordinate system of your model.
Add CatFish to ENum_FoodType.
Adjust the BP_ChasingCatFishNew variable.
Set FoodType to CatFish.
Change MouthBoneName to the name of your model's mouth bone.
Adjust Length to the size of the model.
Other parameters are adjusted with reference to similar fish.
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