This is a 3D model and animations of a Cassowary.
Feathers can be inflated by morphs(Mesh_CassowaryHighPolyFeatheredMultiUVMopher).
Meshes, animations and textures are main contents of this asset.
As an example of use, it contains characters that can be operated(BP_CassowaryThirdPersonCharacter) and characters that move according to the NavMesh(BP_FoodSeekCassowary).
These are child class of BP_CassowaryCharacter.
The animation Blueprint used in BP_CassowaryCharacter plays the animation according to the moving speed and the rotation speed of the character.
Proper grounding is made by two bone IK and animation curves.
Blueprints/Inplace contains characters using In-Place animations.
Blueprints/RootMotion contains characters using RootMotion animations.
In Maps/Demonstration, characters using In-Place animations are used.
In Maps/Demonstration2, characters using RootMotion animations are used.
FBX/ contains FBX files and original size png files.
BP_CassowaryThirdPersonCharacter operation method:
wasd or arrow:walk
r+(wasd or arrow):run
tab:one leg kick
left ctrl:both leg kick
Usage of BP_FoodSeekCassowary:
Place BP_CassowaryFood as much as you like in the scene
Place BP_FoodSeekCassowary in the scene as much as you want
BP_FoodSeekCassowary repeats the following operations:
BP_FoodSeekCassowary moves along the NavMesh toward randomly chosen BP_CassowaryFood.
BP_FoodSeekCassowary plays Eat animation when approaching BP_CassowaryFood by a certain distance
After a certain time, BP_FoodSeekCassowary randomly selects BP_CassowaryFood and moves along the NavMesh again.
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